Below are links for some sites...
I have added some links to som other sites, and also to some parts supliers. When it comes to parts, there are quite a few names in the market. Many run good honest companies, but some people fall short.
Becouse of this, I will only put up companies that I have dealt with, or people I know have dealt with them.
I have also added a listing of some non-parts sites too.
Please check them out, and tell them that you saw it on The Longhorn Website.

My sites
My 69 GMC
Nothing real rare...just big dumb fun with a clunker short bed truck.
Cadilac Big Block Swap
Step by step instructions on how I Installed a Caddy 425 into my '70 Longhorn.
Discussion boards
They are all free, but you need to register.
1967 - 1972 G.M. Pickups Resource Page
Over 5500 members, and everything you'll ever need to know... all in one place.
Chevy Talk Message Boards
Boards covering all classic Chevy cars and trucks.
Classic Heartbeat pickup parts
Working hard to keep your Classic Chevy / GMC Truck alive and working great at reasonable prices!!
GMCPauls Truck Parts
GMCPaul's Truck Parts Striving to meet all of your GMC & CHEVY Truck Parts Needs